Karma - Promotional URLs / How do they count?

I'm curious about the promotional Karma links. Namely because my karma seems to go up rather quickly when I post something to Twitter (I didn't think I was that popular).

I'm wondering how it is being counted, and if it's counting based on IP/cookie or some other system such that when automated systems pick up the link (on say twitter or a URL shortener service), that it's instantly running up my score...

I don't want to have an unfair advantage simply because I'm using bit.ly to shorten a URL... (or because computers are clicking the link)

melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Heh I just tweeted my referral link (once) and got 16 referral karmas (800 points). I'm not sure that's right...
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
And that's within seconds of tweeting the link - it's impossible that that many folk followed it in that time. I'm not /that/ popular :D
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
lol... I just created a brand new twitter account (never had one before)... posted my Karma URL and got 500 karma points... I reckon this may need looking at before it's abused.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah i think spiders are tripping it. Right now it does require cookies to be enabled, but were debating some other ways to add stuff to lock it down a bit..

In the meanwhile, we've bumped point values up for some other non-promotional tasks like picking an answer...
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
just want to mention, about 30000 points today looks a bit like cheating.

I commented this morning to the new wordpress3 release at heise.de with my referal link and never thought pushing a landslide...

But good promotion anyway :)