Looking for Freelance Jobs
I am looking for any freelance jobs, if anyone needs someone to build them a site. I can also do high-end graphic design, too.
I know HTML5 / CSS3, jquery, and I can do custom theme development for Concrete (I have a few in the marketplace now). I have been using Concrete since 2009.
So, if you know of anyone in need of a Concrete5 freelance designer, send me a private message! Thanks!
I know HTML5 / CSS3, jquery, and I can do custom theme development for Concrete (I have a few in the marketplace now). I have been using Concrete since 2009.
So, if you know of anyone in need of a Concrete5 freelance designer, send me a private message! Thanks!
Are you familiar with concrete 5? I have a site that is build and need less framework to tune the CSS to screen 480 and screen 768, let me know if you are interested
please contact me at multigraphy@gmail.com
please contact me at multigraphy@gmail.com
I sent you an email. You may need to check your spam / junk folder.
There's a job board. You should monitor that.