Looking for Wagdi
I am trying to get hold of Wagdi
Can anyone help me?
Can anyone help me?
did you try info "at" wagdi "dot" co "dot" uk as they advertise on their site?
Yep, I have messaged then on email, slack and via this site. Nothing back
Maybe that's the universe sending you warning signs, trying to tell you to let it go? ;-)
One of his clients has contacted me as they can't get access to the hosting of there site and it's got hacked. The hosting provider won't pass over the files or grant them access as wagdi holds the account.
These people are going to have to lose there site and about 150 pages and I thought I would try to reach out.
These people are going to have to lose there site and about 150 pages and I thought I would try to reach out.
That really doesn't sound good.
Well did you try to fill the project form on their website? Maybe then they will answer?
Well did you try to fill the project form on their website? Maybe then they will answer?
His name is really spelled Wagdy with a y by the way. I sent you 2 PM with some info that might or might not help