Los Angeles concrete5 people

I'm coming to LA next month. I am sponsoring a small film festival. And its web site is built with concrete5 (of course).

Anyway, as Franz mentioned here

We should do something about concrete5 in LA.
And we can start meet-ups and stuff.

Although I'm going to start a thread here..., I no longer the resident of LA. I will need somebody who can take care of the location.

But even before we start talking that, I would like to see how many people here who lives in LA, and if we want to start doing something.

- Be cafe meet-up somewhere in SilverLake
- Hang out at Edison
- Tequila tasting meet-up at El Carmen
- Botega Bar hangout with Wine in Pasadena

I don't know...

The first, I want to know how many people here are from LA.


mario replied on at Permalink Reply
I've been out of the country for a few months but now that I'm back, I'll be starting up a C5 group pretty soon here in LA. As I'm in the Silverlake area I'll probably have it around there, but I'm not sure. Anyone else interested in the LA area?
katz515 replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry, I am busy with taking care of the site above.

What do you want to do?

1. Drink
2. Sit down and talk
(We could do some Ustream stuff and hook up with other users..)
mario replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure, sounds good! I'm looking around for a decent site to have it. btw, the festival looks pretty interesting, maybe i'll check it out with some friends. ;)