Lost my website.
Hi, I uploaded the updates of concrete5, made a back-up before that. made changes and didn't like them. did restored now I get this error:
Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
Can anyone tell me how to fix this.
Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
Can anyone tell me how to fix this.
What is the domain for your site?
I don't think your restored even worked. I cannot even access a c5 login box for the dashboard.
Can you be a little more descriptive on the steps you took during the whole process that caused this error?
Can you be a little more descriptive on the steps you took during the whole process that caused this error?
An update for concrete5 came up. I backed up my website as suggested. I then did the update and started making the changes I wanted. I didn't like the way the changes where working out, so I did a restore last back-up. Then this message came up. I figure there is problem that has to be fixed on the database level of my host, but I don't know enough to mess with that. I use DreamHost.
Is it possible that your core files are newer than your database? If all you restored is the database then C5 may still expecting the DB to be upgraded.
First, I would delete all your cache files [root]\files\cache using an FTP client.
If that doesn't work, you could try forcing C5 to use an older core. Check out this post and see if it helps.
First, I would delete all your cache files [root]\files\cache using an FTP client.
If that doesn't work, you could try forcing C5 to use an older core. Check out this post and see if it helps.
thank you that article helped me fix the problem. Thank you again.
Helped me as well, thanks!