Manual Database Backup phpMyAdmin Export Settings

Hello All.

The phpmyadmin export settings in the concrete5 documentation are different than the export settings I have.

I'm running phpmyadmin 4.1.8 and there is an extra checkbox in the Object Creation Options called "Add Create Database / Use Statement". See attached graphic.

Can someone please tell me exactly which checkboxes should be checked when doing a manual database export.

1. Add Create Database / Use Statement
2. Add Drop Table / View / Procedure / Function / Event Statement
3. Add Create Procedure / Function / Event Statement
4. Create Table Options:
4a. If Not Exists
4b. Auto_Increment

1 Attachment

davidinottawa replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Add Create Database / Use Statement

Puts a line in the SQL to create the database, and Use to to "use" this database for the tables.

2. Add Drop Table / View / Procedure / Function / Event Statement

Any Stored procedures, produced Views, functions, triggers that have been created on the db will be replicated.

3. Add Create Procedure / Function / Event Statement

Same as above.

4. Create Table Options:
4a. If Not Exists
4b. Auto_Increment

Put conditional loops in the sql - if the table has been created already, don't try to create it again (it will fail anyway)
Auto increment is if you were appending data to a table, the next available number in the series for an ID column would be created.

What are you trying to achieve ?
Just a backup of your db ?

If so, just use phpMyAdmin, Export - default settings and download the SQL.
Most hosts require you to create the db outside of the Import method anyway.

splashmg replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi David,
Thanks for the quick response.

I'm just wanting to create a manual database backup using phpmyadmin.

I've followed the concrete5 documentation from John the Fish, done in 2011... but my export settings are slightly different as mentioned.
davidinottawa replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah ............... just go into phpMyAdmin, and hit Export and use all the defaults.

If you want to recreate, you'll just need to create the db from the control panel of your host.
splashmg replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks David