Marketplace Charity Bundle for Japan

We're going to put together some special deal bundles for our monthly newsletter and donate our marketplace cut (25%) to a good charity that's helping Japan.

Any add-on developers who want to include some of their work, please PM me with which add-ons you want to include, at what cost, and how many licenses. I don't want to make one uber deal that is too big for anyone to buy, so I'll clump stuff together in a way that people will purchase.

Katz and gang - we hope you're doin okay!

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
Just PM'ed you. I'm game for whatever on my add-ons. What a terrible series of events. My thoughts and prayers to everyone affected. It's not much, but it's the best I can do from behind my computer.
daniel329 replied on at Permalink Reply
How do I subscribe to the monthly newsletter?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
if you're "allow concrete5 to mail me" flag is on in your My Account area here you'll be put on it.