Max number of users?
Wasn't sure which category to add this to so I thought I'd start at Chit-Chat. I'm in the early stages of designing a website for a city arts council that is going to provide a place for artists state-wide to showcase their work. To that end, we want to provide a content management system that allows us to dynamically create new accounts for users and then gives them very limited access - enough to update a profile, showcase a tiny bit of their work in a portfolio fashion. No rich media - just links out to it - but we would need to provide a few image uploads into their profile. We're not going with a portfolio product because we're only giving each of them a one page presentation area. But this will entail us needing to open it up to at least a couple of hundred users with this limited system access. Thoughts on whether concrete5 would accommodate? Thanks in advance!
Heather Shoemaker
Heather Shoemaker
In brief:
- Use Advanced Permissions, they give you more control on page/block/user who can do what where.
- Enable registration and maybe public profiles too.
- Add the additional 'user attributes' you need for your artists.
- Set sub-page, and file permissions.
That should be it.
If you need more details, you can always consult the Help page, the API documentation ( or simply post to the forum.
Good luck with C5!