Missing theme on system pages

Hi everybody;

I am a graphic designer from Spain and althought interested on Concrete5 since a long time ago, right now I've had the opportunity of creating a whole website with this CMS.

But now, once installed I've got some pages on wich i can't see anything but plain text; those pages (at least, the ones I've seen until now, let's see what goes on onwards) are the "Members" page, on wich i can only see names, avatars, but linksgod nowhere (error 404) instead to the member's profile; and the other is Pages and Themes>Page types>Default button; this button links to plani text, with no editing possibilities neither dashboard header, either any other link or editing cappabilitie.

Did I do something wrong during installation?

Thanks in advance!!!

drewR replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Pepe,
That must be frustrating.
I do not think you did anything wrong.
Have you changed the Theme?
If you are using 5.5.0 there is a known bug with Greek Yogurt Theme.
Go to Dashboard>Pages and Themes>Themes activate a different Theme and apply it to every page on your site.

Greek Yogurt will be fixed in 5.5.1.
pepefernandez replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Drew!!

Thanks for your reply, buty i'm afraid that I'm not using that theme at all.
In fact I've discovered (while testing the whole site, thank godness is a short site) that I've got a couple of problemas more;

Regarding the issue of not having a template on the pages I've mentioned, I haven't found a solution yet.

I've even tried to pally a new template to those pages, and I also applyied a theme path directly throught the config>theme_paths.php file.

None of that worked!

The other issue I've found is the followiung: my site has a home page (not edatable but thought the modifications of some different pieces of the dashboard, as it loasds through an AJAX request each fragment of text needed. Then I have a blog (by the moment thre's only a single post). I've used the default system blog system. On the right columnn there appear the tags associated to each post in the tag cloud. By clicking on each of those tags, the user is redirected to a search result page. And here comes the problem again: the text showed appears to have an icorrect codification.

I've dome everything I colud imagine, even tried to change the character codification in the DB; it did'nt work!.

This is the link to the results page:http://cervigonyachts.com/index.php/search/search-results/?akID[11]...

Thanks in advance!!!
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
As for your first question I think it has to do with your single pages. Do you have a view.php in your theme? Have a look at these posts:



As for your Tag Cloud issue... Well, I have the same problem (since a few weeks) and still haven't had any luck resolving it.
pepefernandez replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi #adajad ;

Thanks for the links. I'll read them right now. I'm not really sure if it's caused by the single pages I've made. Any way, after testing, i'll post a reply telling about the results.

And about the strange text codification behaviour, I'll go on investigating trying to find out, as much as I can, which is not much, due to a lack of knowledge !!! ;-)

Thanks again!
drewR replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Pepe and adajad,
We have established the Tag Cloud has a bug in Thanks for helping to find it.
drewR replied on at Permalink Reply
Tag Cloud seems to be working smoothly in 5.5.1.
I would suggest upgrading to 5.5.1.
pepefernandez replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello again!

Thanks for your answer, Drew. I've downloaded the 5.5.1 version to a new web site I'm making for a club. By the moment I'm just feeding it's contents using the raw Greek Yogurt theme and I'm getting used to the new interface.

But, unfortunatelly the tag cloud search results, shows incorrect characters. Not as badly as version 5.4, but they aren`t shown, any way. Whre there sholud be a "Ó" or an "á" it appears this: "…".

You cant check it at this link:http://www.virazon.es/blog/blog-archives/?akID[13][atSelectOptionID...

drewR replied on at Permalink Reply
I have added the Blog Tag Cloud issue to the bug tracker.
You can follow it here:
drewR replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi Pepe,
Andrew has fixed the Tag cloud issue in our latest
development branch (which can be accessed on github) and will be
included in our next official release.

If you want to apply the patch to your site directly, you will have to modify two files.
You can find the patch on github:

This is the github commit. I'd be sure you have everything backed up before applying the patch, especially since you have so many unique qualities to your site.
pepefernandez replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Drew;

I'been disconnected for a while, so I could'nt see your replies until now.
Thank a lot for the solution.

I'll download the patch right now and I'll keep you informed about if it worked or not.

Thank you very much!!!!
pepefernandez replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again;

Just tested on two differente C5 installations (C5 V. 5.4.0:http://www.cervigonyachts.com/)... and on a C5 V. 5.5.1http://www.virazon.es), both sites awaiting for a new design.

Both work fine with the patch!!!

Thanks a lott!!!
drewR replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad it's resolved!