Mozilla Outline on Link Click

I have added the following code everywhere in all CSS's I can possibly find accept the ones deep, deep, deep into C5:


I am wanting to get rid of the dreaded Firefox outline dotted border every time a link is clicked. What do you suggest in order to accomplish this worthwhile goal?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
can you give a screenshot of what you mean?
adamjohnson replied on at Permalink Reply
Add this to your CSS:

:focus {
   outline: 0;
/* remember to define focus styles! */


Generally it's a good practice to define some sort of :focus for accessibility.
creativesolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
I follow exactly what you;re saying but I can't seem to find the correct CSS on my installs.

Can you please elaborate a little more as to where to find that CSS so I can plug in the coding to make it stop?
adamjohnson replied on at Permalink Reply
What's the link to the site you are making? Also, what browser are you using?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
stick it in your theme, its easiest
CWSpear replied on at Permalink Reply
I know what you're talking about, but they must have gotten rid of it in Firefox 4. I was just noticing how annoying it is at work the other day, but I was trying just now from my laptop, and it isn't there.

It is not present here in Firefox 4 (beta 10 for Mac). They must have made it better.

riotaj, I also like that css reset thing. Useful.