Name of's forum software

I use Simple machines for my main forums but I liked the way these forums are laid out. I saw the discussion forum addon but that wasn't what I was looking for(didn't look anything like what's on

What's the name of the software for these forums? thanks! Just needed this for a Q/A portion for my website.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
actually the discussions forum add-on is about as close as you're getting to what we've done here.

They are pretty forked codebases at this point, but deep under the hood its the same beast..

occasionally we even take ideas that we've built for ourselves on and roll it back into the discussions add-on
Rukiri replied on at Permalink Reply
I see, I kinda just wanted the # of replies instead of who posted last.

I also see this is setup as a Q/A like forum is there any way in the settings to change it to something similar?
Rukiri replied on at Permalink Reply
I actually tried the live demo and I'm kinda disappointed and how it's laid out.. I thought it was like other forum software well.. guess not.

Anyone know of a forum software that resembles concrete's?
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
Check out vanilla forums.

Easy to reskin and open source!

Might be a better solution for you.
Rukiri replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm actually checking out vanilla, seems easier to customize and I'm an IT Professional! And I love the fact that it's open source, problem though.. I don't see any way for adding categories.

Are there any forum software that can bridge with concrete?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
not that i know of,
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
You can add categories easily. I have about 6 on my installation.

Well personally I probably wouldn't bother bridging it. Check out woofu forms...

What you might consider doing is building an addon that connects vanilla forums users and login with concrete5. i.e. c5 user can login to vanilla forums and can login to c5.
taltal13 replied on at Permalink Reply
Is Vanilla forums still a suggested option? How does one make an add-on so that C5 user can log on to Vanilla?

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
We started working on a vanilla forums integration however SSO proved to be a bit more difficult. We'll probably look into working on the project later down the road if vanilla forums decides to increase their development docs and if we notice there is a ton more need for it.

In the mean time I would check out c5's forum add-on. It's basic but a blast to integrate into a site :-)
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
hey, I've just submitted a how to on integrating vanilla with c5.should be up in a couple of days at
excelc replied on at Permalink Reply
12345j did you how-to make it up and integrating vanilla with c5? I went to your link however it asks me to login and then just keeps taking me back to the login screen.

Can you point me to the direction of the how-to. I really interested in integrating the forum in.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
I posted the vanilla forums in another discussion, you should be able to
find it. I actually submitted the addon to the mp, but theres a long wait
list there since the core devs are trying to finish 5.5
tamarosher replied on at Permalink Reply
I am also interested in C5 forum software. I have a new forum website that I am working on.

For the future:
I would like to have a responsive C5 forum software/theme, that provides easy options.