Need help deciding if Concrete5 is right for my project
I have a client who needs to be able to have multiple people upload text, articles, images, and videos. Each person would have a different level of access. The site is for a school and they want teachers to have one level of access, one for parents, and one for students. They also want a blog section, a place where people can offer ideas and get feedback (maybe a forum) and a calendar that teachers can update. I want to be able to design the site in Dreamweaver CS4. I have a lot of experience with Dreamweaver, some with WordPress, some with PHP and mySQL. Is possible with Concrete5. If so, what kind of learning curve am I looking at? Thank you all so much for taking the time to answer me.
Basically they want the teachers to have the most control over what they can upload and what pages can be accessed. They want to restrict how much the students can upload and to what pages.
I've been looking around and it seems really great. I also googled concrete5 reviews and haven't found a bad one yet.
One other question, I'm still a little unclear as to whether I can simply create my site in Dreamweaver and incorporate Concrete5?
I've been looking around and it seems really great. I also googled concrete5 reviews and haven't found a bad one yet.
One other question, I'm still a little unclear as to whether I can simply create my site in Dreamweaver and incorporate Concrete5?
Yes, access can be granted/denied to pages easily in Concrete5, as for amount of upload available, not too sure as not really had to implement this, although technically I believe php is limited to 2mb upload, this may not be the same for concrete5.
As for the Dreamwever question, the answer to that is yes also, but you will need to set up local testing environment to see everything in full flow :) in fact, I think the Usagi Project have released a DW + C5 extension which you can find here
You wont find a bad review of concrete5 anywhere, its awesome, simple :)
Oh, and the learning curve, its pretty shallow to simply get a site up and running, but the possibilities seem endless if you delve deeper. Strange thing is, its the only cms that I've actually enjoyed learning too... good luck with the project
Yes, access can be granted/denied to pages easily in Concrete5, as for amount of upload available, not too sure as not really had to implement this, although technically I believe php is limited to 2mb upload, this may not be the same for concrete5.
As for the Dreamwever question, the answer to that is yes also, but you will need to set up local testing environment to see everything in full flow :) in fact, I think the Usagi Project have released a DW + C5 extension which you can find here
You wont find a bad review of concrete5 anywhere, its awesome, simple :)
Oh, and the learning curve, its pretty shallow to simply get a site up and running, but the possibilities seem endless if you delve deeper. Strange thing is, its the only cms that I've actually enjoyed learning too... good luck with the project
Not sure whether it will give you the level of control of who specifically can do what i.e. Jim can edit page 1 and 2, Mary can edit 1,2 and 3. I've wrestled with this on other CMS, but in the end wrote my own system (Used CodeCharge Studio, brilliant tool) anyway one thing I totally agree with is that C5 is an enjoyable system to use, like DigitalCrate said. This maybe a contributory factor when you consider implementation.
I think you should be able to set the level of control you are looking for my adding Groups specifically for single users and then assigning only that user to that group. I'm not 100% sure of this as it was quite a while ago when I created a site with user specific permissions. I'm happy to take a look into this for you and let you know how to do it if you are not too conversant with Concrete5, just let me know :)
You can totally manage permissions down to an individual block level if you turn on advanced permissions before building out your site..
many schools love concrete5, you should too.
many schools love concrete5, you should too.
For the rest of the stuff like blogs and forums they're all available as addons, and the learning curve for C5 is lower than many other CMSs out there. You could do what you described in Drupal for instance, but it will be a far more difficult task to accomplish if you've never used it or any other CMS.