Neonyte needs help

I'm struggling trying to figure how to figure things out. I was told it was idiot proof, so I'm not sure what that makes me.
At any rate, when a guest types in my webpage url, he is prompted for the owners login and pw.
Apparently I blocked others from seeing my business website and I can't figure out how to make it public again.
Oi vez!
Does anyone here know how I may correct this?

Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
There are a few options on that.

check the following:

- dashboard
- sitemap
- left click home
- check the permissions, it might be set to be only viewable by admins.

another option is:

- dashboard
- sitewide settings
- access
- Site Content Permissions, it might be set to admins only

most likely it's one of those two
wtkitw replied on at Permalink Reply
That was it!!
Thank you very much. :)