New Concrete5 update


I am wanting to know if anyone is having prolblems related to the latest Concrete5 update ?

I do not want to install it and have problems, I have had more than enough problems.

Thank you.

Brian replied on at Permalink Reply
I have been unable to upgrade to the latest version either through the dashboard or manually.
milhealth replied on at Permalink Reply
Since I had no issues on the last update ... I didn't think twice about updating to the 5.5 (new) version. Essentially, my site disappeared (except for a 'fatal error' message which I wasn't able to 'fix'. (I had backed up the site, but that's another story..was unable to 'restore' via that back-up).

I was able to restore (via the webhost server to a time where everything worked fine, however...although the public side of the site is fine (I can edit, etc.) I have no dashboard now except for the wallpaper/background) of the DBoard?? I tried going in sitename/index.php/dashboard, and a few other things--nothing.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
I had some trouble too. I figured it out, but it took a while.
Brian replied on at Permalink Reply
Very good. Could you share what the problem was and how you solved it?
TheCandOFansite replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I would love to have the newest version possible, but I am not willing to cause me or my website problems. As i said, i have had enough of those !

So, if you know how it's done, would you please share the info ?

Thank you.
milhealth replied on at Permalink Reply
How were you able to get the new version to work...? :-) Thanks!
EZblue replied on at Permalink Reply
update is not working from 5.4.1 to
wlionline replied on at Permalink Reply
Yup - updated through the dashboard and having issues with lots of errors when changing preferences or trying to add content. ARGGG!!!
Temposaur replied on at Permalink Reply
When I use build-in Content editors (c5.5.2) "Insert link to page" -function, the links are broken after page save.

I think it has something to do with that has this weird "Insert link to page"-script:
ccm_editorSelectSitemapNode = function (c, b) {
         } else {
            var f = '<a href="' + CCM_BASE_URL + CCM_REL + "/" + CCM_DISPATCHER_FILENAME + "?cID=" + c + '" title="' + b + '">' + b + "</a>";
            tinyMCE.execCommand("mceInsertRawHTML", false, f, true)

CCM_REL and CCM_DISPATCHER_FILENAME are almost identical:
var CCM_REL = "/sandbox/concrete5/concrete5.5.2"; 
var CCM_DISPATCHER_FILENAME = "/sandbox/concrete5/concrete5.5.2/index.php";

And they are used together, so returned urls are something like this:

Notice that "/sandbox/concrete5/concrete5.5.2/" is duplicated instead of shown only once at it should be.

for me, the returned url should be:
var f = '<a href="' + CCM_BASE_URL + CCM_DISPATCHER_FILENAME + "?cID=" + c + '" title="' + b + '">' + b + "</a>";

Can anyone confirm this bug?
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, this is a confirmed bug, one that's been fixed in github, so it should be resolved in the next release ( I believe).


As a temporary fix, I simply took the new copies of the two files from that commit, and tinymce_integration.js and replaced them in my 5.5.2 sites. Worked for me, didn't cause any other issues, but I'll be updating to as soon as it appears stable.

Here are two direct links to the files in github:
prestressed replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd been having very similar issues to Temposaur (even more bizarre and frustrating, any time I tried to insert more than one 'link to page' in a block, the second and subsequent links always appeared right at the top of the content block).

I just tried swapping the above files from github and at least I can now add more than one link in a sensible place. But I still get weird URLs with the subdirectory duplicated.

I'm building the site in a /cms subdirectory and all the links are coming out as

Any idea what's going on?