New to Concrete 5

HI All,

I have just started looking at concrete5 and so far am impressed (I am used to working with CMS systems mainly Joomla and expression engine).

I have a possible client project coming up that might be ideal for C5 but after scouring the forum and help files can't seem to find the answer for a question I have:

The client wants a directory of items, each item, having a detail page with the following on it:
Main image and a number of other images for the item (I would like to use javascript to show bigger images)
Description (may be multiplies i.e. tech spec, general)
Price (will not be e-commerce)

What I would like to be able to do is to set C5 up that when the client adds a new item all they have to do is enter the information and images into preset areas - can this be done.

Sorry if the post doesn't make sense, my 2 year old has been keeping me up all night and I have a cold...



jbx replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hey there,

this can definitely be done. That's the great thing about using a CMS with a proper framework behind it. You will need a custom block to achieve this, with a new dashboard page in the backend for your client to administer the items. You have a couple of options available to you.

First thing, check the marketplace. There may already be a block out there that will do exactly what you need.

Secondly, if your php is up to scratch and your timeframe allows for it, dig around in the developer docs and have a go at building it yourself. Once you get the hang of how things work, it's not that tricky for a good developer.

Third option (ok, technically 3 is more than a couple... but whatever... :>) send me a private message with your requirements and I'll quote you on building the block. I've built a few like this before and it wouldn't be expensive.

glowmedia replied on at Permalink Reply

thanks for your reply.

Sorry it has taken me so long to post but have been ill and busy. The job has also been postponed but still should go ahead so I may be back in touch about the stuff you mentioned.
