New to web design and Concrete5
I'd like to know where/how I might find more instruction on developing/using concrete5 as a community-based site. My tech experiences has been with SharePoint and various RDBMS. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
what are you exactly trying to build? We've done a number of intranet/extranets as well as college sites with c5.
Thanks for responding. I'm interesting in starting a community site similar to what you've done at I'm just wondering if it makes sense for me to even attempt to do this myself with some support or to 'back off' and settle for something else that may suit our needs but won't be as attractive as the Indie site using Concrete5.
we don't have an add-on to let you build something like that out of the gate, but yes, with a few weeks of work and some smart php guys you can certainly get there.
They only thing I'm missing are the 'php guys'. Perhaps, once I get started, your organization could provide some assistance?
Thanks, I'll check out the link. I'm very excited. Please give me a couple of days to think and consult with others at the college for a more definitive response to what we would like to do. I'll be in touch.
then if you know how to work with any framework that would help out a ton.