Newbie question

I thought all of the Page Types were templates that are create and enabled. Why in the Plain Yogurt theme on the example install is there a "Press Releases" page type but I cannot find a corresponding template. am I missing something?

okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
You usually have a .php file for each Page Type. If not, it will use the default.php
In this case, the only real difference between a normal page, and a Press Release is the way data is displayed (date/time etc.)
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
you will se these page types as the mostcommon:

default.php - The default Pagetype
full.php - A full width template
left_sidebar.php - Obvious
right_sidebar.php - Obvious
view.php used for all single and custom pages

when you make a newpagetype the package needs to be refreshed for it to show up.