One Page on 5.5.1 Site Stuck In Edit Mode

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Having seen others with a similar issue, I have tried the solution of "getting a beer and waiting it out" and a few other things and nothing seems to work. I have one page on my site that is stuck in edit mode and I can't figure out how to get the edit bar back so I can make changes.

The page is here: and I have attached a screen shot of what I am getting when I am signed into the site.

1 Attachment

Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Because you referred to the ol' beer-trick, I suppose you have found this one:

I've personally sometimes fixed that clicking few times edit mode => exit edit mode => edit mode => exit edit mode. Also, I'd suggest trying the page properties tip by frz.
sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes - that's what I have tried and it doesn't work. I have also tried changing the page properties as suggested by frz and I don't have an edit button or an exit edit mode button to do that with either. At this point I'm stuck and I really need to change that page. Maybe I just delete that page and create a new one because I need to make major changes to that page soon.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, one more thing you could try before doing that:
1. Go to sitemap
2. Click the page in question
3. Select properties
4. Close the window (do not save!)
5. Visit the page in question (click on that page and then click "visit")
6. Go back to your sitemap
7. Open properties again
8. Now, click save in the properties window
9. Visit the page again

If that doesn't work, go to the sitemap again and open that page's versions. Then, approve the latest one BEFORE the newest version and visit the page to see if it's any different. Then go back to the versions and approve the latest one again to get the latest version of that page.

I think the only thing here is that you should somehow get that page though the approval/disapproval code but I'm not sure if there's any way to do it without having access to the editing toolbar. I could imagine messing out with the versions might do the trick...

Let me see how it goes! If any of that doesn't work, just copy the page to a new page so you don't have to start all over again.

sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure what is going on - that sort of worked. It got the page out of edit mode but I still have a blank toolbar at the top of the page and I can't put the page in edit mode or anything.

I appreciate the help, but unless there is a fix that I haven't found, I'm going to delete the page and start over in a day or two.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried clearing the cache or even disabling it while you try to do that?
sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I've cleared the cache, disabled the cache and then cleared it again after I enable it again. Something is all twisted up and I don't know what it is.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Try doing some of this from the sitemap instead of incontext editing mode

Best wishes
Pecked out on an iPhone
sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm doing it all from the site map as the edit bar is blank and I don't have the ability to do anything from the page itself. This is very strange because this is the only page on the site with this issue.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The blank toolbar is an important clue.

Something you added either:
- broke php
- broke JavaScript

The most likely cause is whatever you added/edited while in edit mode. For example, an HTML block with broken html or a block that makes a duplicate inclusion of a JavaScript file.

Another possibility is something you added globally, such as a new addon or a new version of an existing addon.

You could start by analysing what you have done to the site recently with the above in mind, or you could try a blanket approach of going back to the site map for the page and reverting it to a previous version and deleting any versions after the problem started occurring.

(This may not help if it was a global change to the site that caused the problem).
sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
I added two things that may have done it:
1) I added a part the eCommerce package to that page that allows you to add something to your cart.

2) The other thing is a JavaScript popup that brings up a new window for people to register for the site before they make the purchase.

If either of those are the problem, how do I remove them from the page since I don't have the ability to put the page in edit mode to remove them?
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
As John pointed out, you can revert that page to an old version before you added those blocks.

Here's a short video of franz working with versions (you can see him approving an old version of the page):

You can also access the version popup from the sitemap as well, so you don't have to have the editing toolbar there.

If you don't remember when you added those, just try version by version until the page starts working.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, actually you can't see him approving an old version but you see from the video where the button is.
rtaylor82 replied on at Permalink Reply

Did you ever find the resolution? We didn't add anything with javascript. The same thing happened after trying to preview changes to a page. The page loads fine for any browser... Then when you login the page is just like your screenshot. I've tried all the steps listed here to no avail. Any suggestions?
sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you - I eventually recreated the page and then deleted the old one. I was trying to avoid doing that, but with the magic of cut-and-paste it was pretty easy once I sat down to do it. I then deleted the old one and renamed my new one to the same name the old one was (so navigation and external links will work) and everything is all good now.
silverbenz replied on at Permalink Reply
I had exactly the same issue with one fairly major difference: the symptom persisted across ALL of the pages in my site. I'm also using C5 5.5.1.

Thankfully the "Revert-to-an-older-version-and-try-again" solution got me out of it. Phew!

I thought I'd post precisely what seemed to cause the problem here in case it's useful to the Developers/Anyone:
- I was in edit mode on my homepage where I have an image that uses the Image On-State rollover affect. The image is also a hyperlink to another page on the site
- I went to click on the Image block but clicked on the image (the block WAS surrounded with red dotted border)
- Instead of opening the context menu to allow me to edit the block the click behaved as it would in non-edit mode, ie. I got sent to the hyperlinked page
- Once on the new page the C5 toolbar was present but blank, all blocks were surrounded with the red dotted border
- Every page I went to on the site from that point I was presented with the blank C5 toolbar and the red dotted border around all blocks as if I was in edit mode but, as in the original post above, when mousing over the blocks they did not highlight/shadow and clicking them did not bring up the edit context menu

I have also noticed that some of the styles in the block dialog boxes (eg. Image) have taken on the styling from the CSS on my site. I'm fairly certain this was not the case before I upgraded.

The site is:

yoschi replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just had this happen to me in Version and this is what I did to get it working:
- uncommented the section containing all of the blocks that are present on the page
(alternatively you can uncomment everything that is within the <body> tag)
- go to the page with the problem using concrete's sitemap
- resfresh
- entered edit mode
- exited edit mode
- put uncommented code back in
- check if it works
(it did)
alanski replied on at Permalink Reply
I found a much simpler way to solve this or similar issues with a stuck edit page that belongs to someone else
Go to sitemap view, and properties, change the user /owner to yourself. Job done.