One page Parallax theme

Hello all.

I bought a beautiful one-page parallax theme (not CMS). Is it straight forward to make a Concrete5 theme out of this, or do I need a bunch of php experience to get the job done?

I know how to do it with a "conventional" theme, but not sure how to get it all in one page and make the navbar work.

I am thinking I could just leave it as it is, define the content area inside each ID linked to in the original menu, call the areas "slide", "slide2" etc and not touch (hand code) the menu/navigation. But then I am not really using concrete 5 for anything else than pure content.

Is there a documentation on this somewhere?

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Converting a HTML theme to a Concrete theme will require some PHP knowledge.

Here is a useful How-to on making a theme:

Hope that helps.
djoniba replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, but I know how to make an html into a c5 theme. the problem is making a one-page parallax theme. Into a c5 theme since everything is within one html file