Pages with 'Layout' load but then go blank with IE6

I know we all wish that IE6 would simply go away, but I was dismayed to find my site does not even display for these poor backward users. has 3 pages (including the HOME page!!) which use Layouts. On these, the pages load, the content flashes briefly, and then is replaced by a blank area for the Layout area (the main content of my site). I am using the Column Cruiser theme and eCommerce package. Oddly, the links are still there, although the content is invisible. Any ideas on how I might get this to work?
Thanks much for anyone who can give me an lead on how to pursue this!


Tony replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
the layouts feature works in IE6 provided the css for the theme it's being used with is ok. like if you switch over to the default concrete theme it should work ok, right? what's probably happening is something else is weird with your layout, like it's not being placed into a container element that has a defined width, or the content's too big for the container, or sumpin.
stellarbirthday replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tony,
Thanks much for the input. I was thinking the same kinda thing, about sizing, but was not sure where to go with it. I spent a couple more hours with good ole trial and error and I found that the home page (thank goodness!) and some others using Layout started showing up if I deleted all content underneath the Layout. All I had under there was an image anyway - maybe this is somehow too big (although it works on other pages with no layout). The Layout has to be at the bottom. Unfortunately this did not work on two pages, one using a FancyBox gallery

and one that was just another Layout page

I will keep plugging away and maybe I will learn something. If any of the above gives you any insight, please share it.
