Pay content for daughters website.

I'm making my daughter a website for kids with autism, teaching them how to fish. Most of the content will be free, but I want to allow certain people "premium" access. For this, I assume I would need a PayPal interaction and some form of login. When I search for login, I only see ones to let them log in to concrete5. Is this what I want? Could I make an email form on a pay only user?

If I made a form for such a user, could I store questionnaire data for that user? Like location, salt/freshwater, experience level, etc?

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
To do what you want there are a few steps.

This is how it would work:
1- offer users to buy subscription
2- ask them to register
3- during registration process ask for specific questions
4- send them to the pay form
5- upon payment adds them to a specific user group that grants them access to premium content

You can create what are called user attributes. Those attributes can be set to be presented and required on the registration form so that would take care of the data need.

Concerning the rest, you can download Community Store. It's a free e-commerce plugin which is the de facto e-commerce plugin for Concrete5. It allows you to make sure users are registered before buying and it allows you to put users in specific user groups depending on what they bought.

So that should take care of the last steps.

Community Store comes with Paypal payment gateway as well as Stripe and others. You can find it here:

Make sure you download it from the "releases" tab

You can see all the payment gateways and other plugins here: