php form. help
I there, i have a form that loads info from db and then it saves it to another table of the db.
but theres one problem.
as you can see this select get the primary key that is needed to load the data to next select and presents the name in the select. but i need to save the $row[nome_disciplina] and its saving $row["cod_disciplina"]
but theres one problem.
<select style="width:250px;" name="cod_disciplina" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <option value="cod_disciplina">Selecione a disciplina</option> <?php $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM disciplina WHERE cod_ano = $ano AND cod_curso = $curso "; $array3 = mysql_query($sql3,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($array3)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[cod_disciplina]\" " . ($disciplina == $row["cod_disciplina"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[nome_disciplina]</option>"); } ?>
as you can see this select get the primary key that is needed to load the data to next select and presents the name in the select. but i need to save the $row[nome_disciplina] and its saving $row["cod_disciplina"]
that doenst work....
i will show you full code.
so u know my problem....
can some1 help?
i will show you full code.
<?php $ano = $curso = $disciplina = $modulo = $eq = null; //declare vars $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); $db = mysql_select_db('concrete',$conn); if(isset($_GET["cod_ano"]) && is_numeric($_GET["cod_ano"])) { $ano = $_GET["cod_ano"]; } if(isset($_GET["cod_curso"]) && is_numeric($_GET["cod_curso"])) { $curso = $_GET["cod_curso"]; } if(isset($_GET["cod_disciplina"]) && is_numeric($_GET["cod_disciplina"])) { $disciplina = $_GET["cod_disciplina"];
Viewing 15 lines of 149 lines. View entire code block.
so u know my problem....
can some1 help?
it seems like the values for your options are wrong, try: