Project not showing up under profile.

Hey Everyone.

I've got a problem where my project doesn't show up under my profile. It's definatly connected to the community I can install add-ons and themes from the marketplace with no difficulties but after testing a large number of them I'd like to clean it up hence the need for the project to appear. The URL for this project is If any of the site admins could look into this or if someone could tell me a better way of reaching them I'd love to hear about it.


julia replied on at Permalink Reply
I can help! It's likely you have connected that site to the community using a different user account. Please go to your site, in the Dashboard click on Extend concrete5. At the bottom of that window that pops up, there's a URL for your project page. Let me know what that URL is and I'll see what I can find out for you.
russgrue replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Julia,

Thanks for the help the url you've asked for is;

I hope it helps you resolve this problem.

Thanks again.
julia replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi Russ,

That's the first project listed on your project page here:

There aren't any add-ons or themes showing up as assigned to it though.
russgrue replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes it does appear to show up now. You didn't do that? Anyway thanks a lot! Clearing out that list was the second part but now it's all fixed. If you didn't do it pass my thanks on to whom ever did.
