questions for the C5 team

Hi Guys

1)thought I had setup that any replies to my forum/chat posts would be notified to my email a/c but so far nothing has arrived...cant see where to check this setting....

2)I do a small amount of site hosting here in UK and our hosting platforms suppliers have Softaculous so can load concrete5 onto my clients domains very easily....How do i earn karma points when sites are setup this i just send you an email with site details...

I have also started a thread in our hosting forums with my unique link code, and a few people are expressing an interest to look at your product further...

3)A small moan...when I'm browsing the addons if i go to view details then back to the list, I end up back at the top of the list again and have to scroll back down to where I was, which can prove rather slow...


12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
1) check your junk mail- also make sure that you are monitoring this post appears
3) this issue has been raised several times in various forums- the c5 team seems to be content with it the way it is.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yes on #1
#2, try submitting them to the showcase, you get karma points
automatically for that.
#3, "content" is such a strong word. How about on the list of things
we wish were better, this one's about half way down.

best wishes

Franz Maruna
Seafire replied on at Permalink Reply
Nothing in spam...
I did get email copy of 12345j's posting reply but not for yours Franz.....??

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
It's not just you -- I don't seem to get any notifications of replies by Franz. I also don't get notified occasionally of some posts by other people -- kind of random and weird. It's some kind of bug in their notification system I guess.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah that and the annoying dupes you get on threads you start in your
own area. We need to set aside 2 days to rebuild that mailer script as
it's grown very "organically" over the years.

best wishes

Franz Maruna