Questions on plugins

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I've been running a small community site on Drupal and have been debating on migrating to another CMS. I did a quick search in the plugins but haven't really found what all what I'm needing. Here's a couple of must haves.

1. Excellent Spam control (been using Mollom which is outstanding.
2. WYSIWYG editor for forums, blog and comments. With full text size, color, etc.
3. Site map with auto submission to search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and custom
4. Granular permissions for forums and pages down to user and group


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
1. not really - we don't have any smart spam prevention beyond captcha

2. yup, we use tinyMCE just about anywhere

3. yes, we generate sitemap.xml in nice ways for you, no we dont have a ping service that send it out everywhere..(add on developers, you paying attention here?)

4. Yes, we have super granular permissions if you turn on advanced permissions from the get go..

5. You didn't ask, but i'll tell ya - no all the add-ons aren't free. But YES, they all work well, and they all work together without breaking your site too.

marcus0263 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the response.

MMMM only basic captcha, that very well might not be sufficient. Spam is a big problem that continues to get worse. I used to get hit hard just using basic captcha until I started using Mollom. But for a family site with limited membership that would be OK. So are there any plans or anything in Dev for a plugin like Mollom, Akismet?

tinyMCE is good, nice editor.

It's nice having the option to auto submit, I could get around that by working up a cron job for now.

Now paying for quality modules isn't an issue if they're worth the cost. I see the forum mod is $55, how does that compare to commercial forum software like vBulletin and IP Board? Is there a try before you buy or a demo site somewhere?

So granular permissions, excellent. I like having hidden forums, blogs and pages for a select few of my members. It's good for posting private information and what not.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
currently the forum addon does not even come close to even phpbb smf etc

demo here:
marcus0263 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanx for the link

Far to basic to be charging for this IMO. Doesn't even support quote to a reply to post ....
frz replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
try to make php-bb to turn a forum post into a page in your about faq with one click.

just a different beast.. if all you need is forums and you're going for a huge feature list, by all means there are other solutions to look at. we shoot for elegance.
marcus0263 replied on at Permalink Reply
This CMS does look like it has potential and it does look very nice. But don't take my comment the wrong way, it's meant to be "constructive criticism".

If the forum mod was free there really wouldn't be much to complain about. But the simple fact that the mod is $55 and it doesn't even have bare minimum basics like quoting a reply.

Forums are an essential piece in a Social Site, they're not everything but they are essential. Like Drupal, the basic forum sucks but with Advanced Forums mod along with a few others like Advanced Profiles and Private Message it competes nicely against vB, IPB, phpBB, etc. with all the other functionality as to a CMS like Blogs, etc. You so have to put a fair bit of work into it but then these mod's are free.

So again take my opinions for what they are, constructive criticism.
