RE: Home page.

Hello there, I am just getting started buidling my web site. I completed my home page and moved on to the second page. When I published the site, my home page comes up, but there is no navigation menu to leave the home page and move on to the second page. Can anybody help me. I copy and pasted my second page path and put it on my home page until I can figure this problem out. Thank you for your time. Here is a link to my home page if that h

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
you should have an area called header nav when you go into edit mode. click on it, then click on add block, and scroll down to auto nav. then figure out what you want to be displayed there, but it should be fine witht he default setup. then click add, and exit edit mode after publishing changes and your menu should appear. for more info check these out.
and for the basics, look at this page.