remove the ::home from the title

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when i search my site in google it show how do i remove the ::home from the site title or is it not possible since the home page is the front page. can somebody please help me or explain. All search providers show the same as well as when you like with facebook.

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Does it show on the nav bar of your browser as that, the tab or page description area of your browser, or on the page itself?

Without seeing the site you are asking about, I am guessing that the Meta Page Title has been titled ::Home and is showing up on the browser tab
If that's the case, log in to your site - edit page - select "properties" from the tool bar - select "custom attributes" and change your Meta Title.
njordan1982 replied on at Permalink Reply
yes on the tab, what do i change the meta title to to make the name just my site name. as of now the meta title is blank. like i said it shows that when i search the site with google or yahoo. i want that to change as well.
adamjohnson replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
What you are seeing is the default behavior of the title attribute. If it has not been manually changed, it will display like so:

Site Name :: Page Name

If you change the meta title attribute in properties, you can put anything you want and have it appear without the :: Home.

In other words, just enter your site's name in there and you'll be good.
njordan1982 replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you
stretchrt replied on at Permalink Reply
I have been wondering about this too.

What if I want something like this instead:

Site Name :: some other text


Site Name - some other text

I guess I'm asking, is there a variable to change the "::" to "-" on a sitewide basis? Also, is it possible to show

Site Name - Top Page Name - Sub Page Name - Sub Page Name

etc instead of

Site Name - Current Page Name
njordan1982 replied on at Permalink Reply
just enter it how you want it to appear into the meta title atribute box
stretchrt replied on at Permalink Reply
wouldn't that mean I'd have to type it in explicitly for each and every page?
njordan1982 replied on at Permalink Reply
I dont know any other way. if you had alot of pages that would take some time. I'm sure there is another way but i can't figure it out either.
adamjohnson replied on at Permalink Reply
Something around line 24 of header_required.php in the /concrete/elements folder would probably be a good place to look. If you override it, be sure to copy and paste that file into your [root]/elements folder.
stretchrt replied on at Permalink Reply
this is what's creating my title, as I have no meta info

[code<?php } else {
$pageTitle = htmlspecialchars($c->getCollectionName(), ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET);
?><title><?php echo sprintf(PAGE_TITLE_FORMAT, SITE, $pageTitle)?></title>
<?php }[/code]

so, is the "::" part of the CollectionName? What's the output of "PAGE_TITLE_FORMAT" and "SITE"?
adamjohnson replied on at Permalink Reply
Just ran across this code, to be put in config/site.php:

// Modify the separator in page titles. 
define('PAGE_TITLE_FORMAT', '%1$s - %2$s');

stretchrt replied on at Permalink Reply
Fantastic, thanks for the link!

Now to just someday figure out how to get all the page titles in there ... not essential, just a nice to have