Replacing current changes
I've been working on a website with different templates. I found one I like but I can't make it look the way it was designed. All the text, images, and other edits I made from my previous attempts override how it should look.
Even when I delete everything by hand and reupload the template everything is still ugly. Why doesn't it work like a clean slate?
Should I just delete the entire site, discard the edits and everything.? I'm about to move to a product that's easier to use, if this doesn't help.
Even when I delete everything by hand and reupload the template everything is still ugly. Why doesn't it work like a clean slate?
Should I just delete the entire site, discard the edits and everything.? I'm about to move to a product that's easier to use, if this doesn't help.
It has both styles.css and typography.css, no reset.css though. Cleared the cache and no luck. I think you're right BasicPages and livesite aren't any easier. Their templates and organization of templates both suck.
Firebug was awesome I love that extension now! But I know more about html than php and css... So I got the source but I couldn't understand where the problems could be.
Firebug was awesome I love that extension now! But I know more about html than php and css... So I got the source but I couldn't understand where the problems could be.
Have you tried to clear your cache since the template change? Have you looked at the source Concrete5 generates (like with Firebug) to find the style culprit?
I know it's just a bunch of questions, but my guess is one of your previous templates has left some residue in the system.
Personally I think it might be hard to find an easier system to work with, but that depends of course on the type of site you apply it on.