Reply To

We recently switched marketing companies but whenever we get online submissions requesting more info the "reply to" section still has our old marketing team. Is there a way to change that without involving them or is it something on their end?

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stewblack23 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey MWLS21

Just go on the page where your form is placed. Edit form block and put your new e-mail address in. Should fix the issue.
MWLS21 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Stew,

Thanks for the response. Any chance you could give me a little more detail? I am just the manager of the business I am not great with websites. I am on the page with the forum editing it but not sure where to switch the email.
stewblack23 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey MWLS21

Might just be easier for me to show you. We can do a quick Google Hangout video call sometime if that works for you.