Retiring and Revamping Marketplace Items

I have a number of items in the marketplace, most of which are free. However, I have not updated some of them in a very long time, and now I have plans to do so.

I have decided to either "reitire" or "revamp" some of my various marketplace items. I am doing this because I want to focus more on my other marketplace items, and I also have plans for new (and more exciting) marketplace items. Here is what I have planned.

RETIREMENT - These are items that I plan to remove from the marketplace in the near future. These items will be available for FREE download until they are "retired". Once retired, they will be made available on my own personal site where they will NOT be supported, but you will still be able to download them.

+ FlexCRETE: Masonry (theme):
+ Horror Story (theme):

REVAMP - These are items that I plan to make dramatic improvements to in the near future. Their prices will likely be increased to cover the costs of support.

+ FlexCRETE (theme): Whole new look / feel with new features.
+ Retro Tracks (theme): Improved responsive behavior and layout; more customization options.
+ Social Feed (addon): see roadmap on marketplace page.
+ Foundation (theme): upgrade to Foundation 4; other big improvements.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, please feel free to post them here.

Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
I think the entire marketplace should get a thorough look through to see how many old addons there are.

I went ahead and grabbed a copy of the FlexCRETE Masonry theme.

Will be looking forward to see how you improve these themes and addons!

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Just a quick reminder that there is only ONE DAY LEFT to grab your copy of "FlexCRETE: Masonry" theme!
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
I work on a number of sites with issues that need repairing as I'm sure a lot of developers do. As an example I'm working on a site now that has had two free themes removed from the packages folder but NOT in the proper way. They still have the database entries and show up in the Add Functionality area.

I like to clean these unused add ons out so I download the block from the marketplace and reinstate it in the packages folder and then I can remove it by uninstalling. This is only possible (easily) if the package is still available.

I guess I'm saying I'm not in favor of removing addons in general but then again the marketplace has over 1400 addons and themes now.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
It would be useful to have some sort of forcible uninstall and repair dashboard function that could clean up user mistakes like that without needing to have the original package. It wouldn't be perfect, but at least it would recover a broken site.

Such a function could also be very useful for recovering something usable where a package or theme turns out to be incompatible with a core upgrade