RFP - Franz suggested I post my RFP in the wonderful C5 community

I am a cofounder of a new Nonprofit geared at Volunteer Promotion. Our goal is to get more people volunteering throughout the country. We will be starting in Massachusetts (where our nonprofit will be located) but we will be expanding to major cities over the next several months.

Project Summary: The system should be similar to volunteermatch.com and handsonnetwork.org where they focus on getting people involved in their communities and volunteering with nonprofits. However, we are doing ours with a small twist and I would need to talk about that part over the phone. Basically, we need a system for volunteers and nonprofits to log in, connect with other nonprofits and/or volunteers, find volunteer projects based on location, skills, needs, schedule, etc. and allow the volunteer to submit the number of hours they have volunteered to the nonprofit that turns around to verify that person did volunteer with their nonprofit. And we also need the ability to see which volunteers work different hours each month so we can provide them with different website capabilities.
Please respond to this post if you are interested or know how I should go about in getting this site built. I have already posted on oDesk -https://www.odesk.com/jobs/Concrete5-Full-Web-Dev-and-Design-Possibl...