Scrapbook problem in 5.4

Permalink 1 user found helpful
HI all

Every now and then when I add a scrapbook block I get the following error:

mysql error: [1048: Column 'arHandle' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("insert into Areas (cID, arHandle) values ('36', NULL)")

As I say it does not happen al the time. It also still adds the block.

Any ideas why this would come up?

I have also upgraded to the latest version of 5.4 with this still happening.

Thanks in advance.

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
clear your site cache
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you know what... that never crossed my mind. Been one of those days!

Will try that.

digirunt replied on at Permalink Reply
this problem/bug still seems to be an issue.
As MnKras suggested clearing the cache prevents the error but this must be done every time before any edits are made.

The error for me happens each time a permission is changed in the global scrapbook after any initial change has been made.

The changes save successfully and the js confirmation pops up but the page fails on the subsequent auto reload.

I have tried turning off the cache on the dashboard and scrapbook pages to no avail.

All my clients editing is done through the global scrapbook so I often have several blocks to rename/set permissions on and get the error every time.

Any thoughts on permanent fix or is this a version specific bug.
boomgraphics replied on at Permalink Reply
I am getting this error as well.
mysql error: [1048: Column 'arHandle' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("insert into Areas (cID, arHandle) values ('36', NULL)")
kirkroberts replied on at Permalink Reply
Same here!
mysql error: [1048: Column 'arHandle' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("insert into Areas (cID, arHandle) values ('36', NULL)")
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
This happens if you change the name of a scrapbook block and then try to add/edit a new one (which is a very common workflow if I'm adding a few scrapbook blocks in one fell swoop). It has been filed as a bug and has quite a few "confirmations", but you might want to add one more vote to it just to be sure it gets the core team's attention: