Site isn't working properly after moving it to new hosting service

I am working on a website and decided to move it to a faster hosting service. I also changed it from '.net' to '.org' ...
Ever since I did the move, the site just hasn't been working properly; sometimes I can't access it, and sometimes it redirects me to the old '.net' path.
What is going on? how can i fix this?

- Diana

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe look into your /config/site.php file and see what the settings are in

best wishes

Franz Maruna
DianaAyub replied on at Permalink Reply
I flushed the DNS, cleared the cashe on the server, my laptop and on the sitewide settings; my hosting provider traced the site through host-tracker... everything is supposedly o.k.

the domain registrar re-entered the domain servers and we waited five days for it to completely propagate, and still it's not working right.

here's my config/site.php file; I'd already modified the settings in it...
define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');
define('DB_USERNAME', '.........');
define('DB_PASSWORD', '.........');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'site_user');
define('BASE_URL', '');
define('DIR_REL', '/concrete_folder');
define('PASSWORD_SALT', 'somepassword');

my root.htaccess file redirects correctly:
RedirectMatch permanent ^/$

sometimes these settings work well for 4-5 hours then suddenly they stop working correctly! I can't identify if the cause is from the C5 website or maybe it is the dash '-' in the site's name ( ?

Also, if I write the site's name without the 'www.' at the beginning it usually accesses it; however, with the 'www.' it rarely does!

thanks for the quick reply ... appreciate it