Site showing all links
Hey guys! It's my first time building for concrete. I think I got everything worked out, but all of my links are showing the paths. Even the taskbar is showing the paths next to them: 'Edit Page (javascript:void(0))'. I'm sure it's something I'm leaving out or have implemented wrong. Thanks for your time.

I'm taking a stab here, but that sounds an awful lot like a server setup issue and not Concrete5 since it's every link on your site.
So if it is a server setup issue, is there any way to troubleshoot?
Also, if I change back to the default theme, the issue is gone. So wouldn't it have to be some error with my theme?
Yeah, that's odd. The source code of your page doesn't show the paths being added after your links, which is why I thought it might be a server issue.
Trying to do some research but I don't have an answer at the moment.
Trying to do some research but I don't have an answer at the moment.
print stylesheet needs a mediatype print!
Change this
to this
Change this
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/themes/delaware/styles/print.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
to this
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/themes/delaware/styles/print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />
Wow. So simple. Thank you so much. Can't believe I missed that. Thanks for your time.
please hit the "this answered my question" button then ;) it could help others finding an answer too and it upgrades my karma whatever that is xD
Thanks :)
Thanks :)