Site to Big for Advanced Permissions??

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Hey Team,

I am building It's the largest and most sophisticated site I have built in C5 to date.

I wanted to enable Advanced Permissions based on a client request; however, when I added the line of code to the site.php, a running error was visible on the header of the website. Basically, it broke the site. Something about the session.php file.

Is it possible that a site can be built too big to enable advanced permissions?

openly replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not sure that the site can be too big.

But I know advanced permissions can cause issue if not used from the beginning.
jereme replied on at Permalink Reply
Speaking from experience, if you convert an existing site that was using the basic permissions structure to using advanced permissions, very few of your pages and page types will have sensible default permissions. You will have to move through most of your site and establish proper inheritance and whatnot.

It is always the best policy to use advanced permissions right out of the gate.

Furthermore, and I stress... BACK UP your database BEFORE switching permissions schemes. Once you make any changes in the advanced permissions realm, you are past the point of no return, and the only way back is to restore a db backup.

Once you've backed up your site, you've really got nothing to lose in giving it a shot.

Also, am I wrong for finding humor in a dialog between creativeorange and openjuice?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Not really - typically advanced permissions are more useful on larger sites.

I think the problem you encountered was most likely that there was white space between the bottom ?> in your config/site.php file and the end of the file itself. Try making sure your file DOESN'T have a trailing ?> in it, and I imagine the error will go away.
adamjohnson replied on at Permalink Reply
No trailing ?> ? Is that recommended/preferred?
jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
The trailing ?> is one of those coding style guidelines that not enough people use, probably because they don't understand the significance, but if it catches you out it can be a nightmare to debug! Andrew outlined it quite nicely there. If there is white space after the trailing ?> then your script is sending valid output, the same as if you echoed something out. If you then put that script at the start of your application and the next script to get loaded is trying to do something that needs to happen before headers are sent (session_start() for example) then it will break. If you don't include the trailing ?>, then this can never happen :)

creativeorange replied on at Permalink Reply
As always. You guys are amazing. I removed the white space and she converted over perfectly.
Thanks for all of your help!!