site_theme_paths.php PHP open tag but not close tag

I notice that the site_theme_paths.php file has a php opening tag, but not a php closing tag. Is that correct?

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
you can override system layouts here - but we're not going to by default
For example: if you would like to theme your login page with the Green Salad theme,
you would uncomment the lines below and change the second argument of setThemeByPath
to be the handle of the the Green Salad theme "greensalad"
$v = View::getInstance();
$v->setThemeByPath('/login', "yourtheme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/page_forbidden', "yourtheme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/register', "yourtheme");

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi cytringan,

"If a file is pure PHP code, it is preferable to omit the PHP closing tag at the end of the file. This prevents accidental whitespace or new lines being added after the PHP closing tag, which may cause unwanted effects because PHP will start output buffering when there is no intention from the programmer to send any output at that point in the script."