Slider with text and images
Hi All,
Is this possible? I have a template I'm trying to bring over to concrete5, and within this template, there's a slider that displays 3 different slides.
The code is
Problem I'm having is, the text is separate from the images, but they are rotated together within each slide (my delima). I can't find a block for this, and I think it's some sort of slider block I'm needing.
Attached is the output from original template. Is there a block on the market that would accomplish this for me?
Is this possible? I have a template I'm trying to bring over to concrete5, and within this template, there's a slider that displays 3 different slides.
The code is
<div id="slider-container-noframe"> <ul id="slider4" style="position: relative; width: 940px; height: 450px; overflow: hidden;"> <li style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: -940px; display: none; z-index: 3; opacity: 1; width: 940px; height: 450px;"> <div class="slidetext"> <h1>HostingRegularPlan</h1> <p class="slideprice">$15.<sup>00</sup><span class="permonth">/month</span></p> <p>Maecenas euismod, metus ac fermentum aliquam, diam turpis ornare<br /> odio, nec lacinia orci lectus eget odio. Cras at nulla mauris, at dignissim<br /> massa. Cras non est ac ligula lacinia varius sed quis augue.</p> <div class="one_half"> <ul> <li>Unlimited GB of Disk Space</li> <li>Add On - Doamin</li> </ul> </div> <div class="one_half last"> <ul>
Viewing 15 lines of 68 lines. View entire code block.
Problem I'm having is, the text is separate from the images, but they are rotated together within each slide (my delima). I can't find a block for this, and I think it's some sort of slider block I'm needing.
Attached is the output from original template. Is there a block on the market that would accomplish this for me?