Slow load times


I'm having slow times editing one site, do you know what can be causing this delay? The hosting server? The internet connection? The pc? I feel it takes a lot of time to make any changes; as I'm new to concrete5 I don't know how to optimize it.

I appreciate your help and suggestions.



Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Its usually the server the site is hosted on, and it could be any number of issues.
fernandezp replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, thanks for the message.

I'm moving to a new server to check if there's any change.

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
You can use this to get a breakdown of site speed as well as a list of suggestions, and fixes. The suggestions will be after a long list of compression stats about how much you could save in each file, than it gives real specifics that actually help

its a bit old, but still works
fernandezp replied on at Permalink Reply

I moved to a new hosting server and it worked fine, I'm having much better response times and it has made the job easier.


zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Pedro, what host are you using now? So far, I've tried 3 and they're all slow. Thanks.