Slow site
One of my sites has gone mentally slow, i haven't done anything to it but it just seems to be running to the point where it just hangs.
the site is
can anyone help?
the site is
can anyone help?
Hi, never had a problem with them before. They seem to think everything is fine. Thing is i was asked to look at another site that was doing this by someone else. It was doing the exact same thing. never had a problem with them before. They seem to think everything is fine. Thing is i was asked to look at another site that was doing this by someone else. It was doing the exact same thing.
So its surely the hosting problem. You can raise a support ticket in their site to solve this issue. They also have the live chant section. There is no control through C5 to solve this.
The other site was on a different host.
When I'm trying to check the site through it shows error. And it happens when it cannot find the server.
the header seems to have this in it
<html lang="en" class=" js flexbox canvas canvastext webgl no-touch geolocation postmessage websqldatabase indexeddb hashchange history draganddrop websockets rgba hsla multiplebgs backgroundsize borderimage borderradius boxshadow textshadow opacity cssanimations csscolumns cssgradients cssreflections csstransforms csstransforms3d csstransitions fontface generatedcontent video audio localstorage sessionstorage webworkers applicationcache svg inlinesvg smil svgclippaths"><head>
why is there a class on the HTML tag?
<html lang="en" class=" js flexbox canvas canvastext webgl no-touch geolocation postmessage websqldatabase indexeddb hashchange history draganddrop websockets rgba hsla multiplebgs backgroundsize borderimage borderradius boxshadow textshadow opacity cssanimations csscolumns cssgradients cssreflections csstransforms csstransforms3d csstransitions fontface generatedcontent video audio localstorage sessionstorage webworkers applicationcache svg inlinesvg smil svgclippaths"><head>
why is there a class on the HTML tag?
Your site's theme is using modernizr and it adds those classes to the html tag. is part of html5 boilerplate. Maybe your theme was built using that framework? is part of html5 boilerplate. Maybe your theme was built using that framework?
My host has just mentioned this:
It appears like your sites are hitting the internal limitations on a shared environment for multiple running processes at one time and exceeding the 70 seconds of return data:
[Thu Jun 20 12:26:41 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/php53
[Thu Jun 20 12:26:42 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 70 seconds, referer:
[Thu Jun 20 12:26:42 2013] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.php, referer:
This can usually happen with poorly programmed scripts/plugins or even themes. When scripts are using recursive calls, this opens multiple processes and hits this limit easily. This is usually done using something like file_get_contents() which actually opens another separate connection from the web server to itself to call the script.
I would strongly advise you review your scripts carefully and disable any unnecessary plugins. It would be best to start from scratch, disable everything and revert to default theme, then enable one by one.
It appears like your sites are hitting the internal limitations on a shared environment for multiple running processes at one time and exceeding the 70 seconds of return data:
[Thu Jun 20 12:26:41 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/php53
[Thu Jun 20 12:26:42 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 70 seconds, referer:
[Thu Jun 20 12:26:42 2013] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.php, referer:
This can usually happen with poorly programmed scripts/plugins or even themes. When scripts are using recursive calls, this opens multiple processes and hits this limit easily. This is usually done using something like file_get_contents() which actually opens another separate connection from the web server to itself to call the script.
I would strongly advise you review your scripts carefully and disable any unnecessary plugins. It would be best to start from scratch, disable everything and revert to default theme, then enable one by one.
It would appear to be one of the plugins used on this site. Not sure which one as I have removed a few. But I will slowly add them back in once I get sometime and then post it up here.