Slow website


i have been playing around with this all day. I give up, please help!
I tried to do a blog entry last night and it didn't get published, i was dealing with slow dashboard.
Today it's still slow and i can't get the blog entry published. I contacted my hosting company asking about thier servers and their response was to optimize mysql database. Okay, i found an add-on for this but i don't know what to do with it. What do i do with the code or what else can i try?


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Its easier to optimize the database right through myphpadmin
Kellie replied on at Permalink Reply
And this is done with my hosting company correct? Geez, i think i just wasted a few hours of my time trying to find this with concrete5...going to my Cpanel now. Crossing fingers.
Kellie replied on at Permalink Reply
nope the optimization seem to work , any other ideas?
WHW1dotCOM replied on at Permalink Reply
I am curious, who is your hosting company that is giving you all the database headaches?
WHW1dotCOM replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, so bluehost told you that some images need to be optimized. I had a moment to go by your site, and I did not see that many images, nor any large images. I'll follow up with post or pm later.