I wish to know how iT comes that my website load So slow.
IT takes more than 30 seconde.
The visitors do not wait for this.
What can I do?
Best regards,
Stefaan De Reu
I wish to know how iT comes that my website load So slow.
IT takes more than 30 seconde.
The visitors do not wait for this.
What can I do?
Best regards,
Stefaan De Reu

It loads fairly fast for me, do you have all of the caching settings turned on?
Same here, it loads in about 250 milliseconds which is absoluetely acceptable.
Loading quite fast too. It all depends on the hosting though, since concrete5 should run fairly fast (even with concrete5 caching off). is down right now.
Hi Stedereu
I have quite a slow internet connection but your site loads in less than one second. Your problem will be with either:
your wifi
your internet conn
or most probably your router/modem
least likely but it has happened to me is your server at your host. If the rest of the internet loads fast then this will be it. I changed host and my site load time is 75% better.
Hope you solve it.
I have quite a slow internet connection but your site loads in less than one second. Your problem will be with either:
your wifi
your internet conn
or most probably your router/modem
least likely but it has happened to me is your server at your host. If the rest of the internet loads fast then this will be it. I changed host and my site load time is 75% better.
Hope you solve it.
Site is reachable again and super fast loading: