SSL (https) and Non SSL (http) pages and links

I'm looking for a way to serve an ssl page, without having all the links on that page changing to https .

I thought I read about a way to do this, but can't seem to find it now.

Any Ideas ?

jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
Check out my Force SSL addon. It's free and will ensure that only the pages you choose are rendered in https and all others return back to http.

kstrange replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jon,

I did, in fact I've installed this last week. What I'm trying to do is keep all the links on the page from switching to https

I don't necessarily need the page to be "forced" to ssl because there is only one instance of it, and I can control that by the actual link. (calling https) I did see your autonav snippet - but what I need is the actual page links or the links within the content itself to remain http and not switch to https

any ideas ?
jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
How are the links being placed on the page? Are they hardcoded links in a page template, or are they added through a content block, or something else?

Chances are, you will need to do some post-processing and alter them on the page.

Bear in mind, however, that the links probably don't specify a protocol if you check the source code, most links will be relative links (i.e. /contact/) and so the browser will use whatever protocol is currently in use. The links themselves are protocol independent. That's where my script comes in useful by swapping the protocol back to http once you reach that page.

kstrange replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, they are added thru blocks etc. Not hardcoded. They are also relative.

Because of the nature of this, it would be okay to have them all change to hardcoded links by some sort of hack for that page.

I only need the page to be ssl when a user purchases something as everything is handled thru a modal/dialogue box. So when the buy now link is clicked, we reload the page page as https, and pop open a modal to handle the transaction and then redirect back to http . By changing the links, I'm basically just making sure that a user doesn't end up in ssl mode if they did anything odd (like a page reload)
jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
Personally, I'd be more concerned about the user ending up in non-ssl mode after doing something odd while their details are being submitted. Not sure I'd feel comfortable building a single page that sometimes is in http and sometimes in https. There's very little overhead in running in https, so I would always render that page as SSL just to be on the safe side...

However, if you change your links in your blocks to always use the full http URL and not be relative links, then that should do what you need.

kstrange replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, but no worries with this because everything is being transmitted thru ssl as the modal is secure.

Thanks a bunch, !!
