Strange error when editing content block


I have a hobby site, hosted on, and when I go into edit mode and edit a content block, and after I press "Update", I get a popup with the following error message:


When I close the message (and finally press "Cancel" on the edit content box because obviously I can't press "Update"), the changes are not reflected. But when I reload the page, the changes I made ARE reflected.

So I CAN edit the page, it's just that I have to reload the page each time.

Does anybody know how to resolve this? Thank you for your help!

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
clear your cache on your site and browser
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Probably a javascript error, not a cache issue. See
TravisN replied on at Permalink Reply
I have been getting this error too. Jordenlev is right, it's javascript that is the problem. The issue for me however was not within concrete but safari. The error started happening out of the blue and I couldn't work out why, then I checked the safari extensions. The DivX HiQ extension (official release from DivX) was causing the problem. Once disabled, Concrete5 would update with no problems.

My version of DivX HiQ is for those interested.