style float:left create problem
i m new to concrete5 but after study the site i know somthing about it but not briefly i have a problem
<div style="float:left">
$as = new Area('Sidebar');
by using this code my sidebar is not coming with red line and editable area but when i remove style="float:left" then it prefectly working
plze give me reply
thank's all of u
i m new to concrete5 but after study the site i know somthing about it but not briefly i have a problem
<div style="float:left">
$as = new Area('Sidebar');
by using this code my sidebar is not coming with red line and editable area but when i remove style="float:left" then it prefectly working
plze give me reply
thank's all of u

Use CSS for your float left.
Hi sir,
I have done it with css but same problem is coming.Please reply soon.Once again the probem is when i m using
style="float:left" the sidebar is not coming with editable area and with grey box.I did it with the css but same problem is coming please reply soon.Thank's
<div style="float:left">
$as = new Area('Sidebar');
I have done it with css but same problem is coming.Please reply soon.Once again the probem is when i m using
style="float:left" the sidebar is not coming with editable area and with grey box.I did it with the css but same problem is coming please reply soon.Thank's
<div style="float:left">
$as = new Area('Sidebar');