Sub page?

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My apologies for a moronic question, but I'm a real novice to all of this.

In constructing a page on my c5 site to practice my lessons as I learn html (with hopes to find the time to continue on to xhtml, css and so forth...), for some reason I selected "sub page".

The "sub page" appears in my site's overall map, but does not appear on line. What's the trick there? I have previously "added" pages and so forth with no problem, but what is a sub page? And, how do I transform it into a published page?

Again, I know I'm asking an idiotic apologies. But my thanks for any help.

Best regards,

wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Not a moronic question at all!

It could be one of two things-

Either -

1. You didn't select 'Publish' when exiting edit mode.

Go to the page in question and if you see a notification bubble on the top right saying 'This page is pending approval.
Approve Version'

Select 'Approve Version' and that will publish the page.

Or -

2. You have selected 'Exclude from Nav' after Publishing.

If you selected 'Exclude from Nav' after Publishing, you can change this by going to 'Properties'>> 'Custom Attributes'>> 'Exclude from Nav'

A Sub-Page is a page that will appear under the page you are already on. e.g- If you are on the 'About' page, then a sub-page will appear under the the 'About' page.
BertOlton replied on at Permalink Reply
It could be one of two things-

Either -

1. You didn't select 'Publish' when exiting edit mode.

Go to the page in question and if you see a notification bubble on the top right saying 'This page is pending approval.
Approve Version'

I did select 'Publish', but just to double check, have gone back to the page. No bubble about 'pending approval' appears.

Or -

2. You have selected 'Exclude from Nav' after Publishing.

If you selected 'Exclude from Nav' after Publishing, you can change this by going to 'Properties'>> 'Custom Attributes'>> 'Exclude from Nav'

That's not it either...the check box in front of 'Exclude from Nav' is not checked in.

A Sub-Page is a page that will appear under the page you are already on. e.g- If you are on the 'About' page, then a sub-page will appear under the the 'About' page.

The sub page I've set up is not showing up at all, unless, as I said, I go to the site map.

Anyway, could it be I've done something wrong with formatting for Linux? I've been doing this in LinuxMint11.

More likely I'm just missing some detail [like maybe I shouldn't have started the page as a "sub page"?] - again, my apologies for the nuisance.

Best regards,
wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Check the 'Permissions' for that page. Also try clearing the cache.
BertOlton replied on at Permalink Reply

Guests and Administrators can view the page, only Administrators can edit the page...

Cleared the cache, still no change.

Would it make sense to simply delete the page, then from a backup try it as an "add" page?

My thanks for your patience,
wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
I am guessing that you upgraded from to 5.5.1? 'Add Page' (in 5.4) and 'Add Sub-Page' (in 5.5) are essentially the same thing.

You could try deleting the page and recreating it. Although that doesn't explain the current issue.
Maybe try creating other pages to see if you still run into the same problem.
BertOlton replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I am guessing that you upgraded from to 5.5.1? 'Add Page' (in 5.4) and 'Add Sub-Page' (in 5.5) are essentially the same thing.

You could try deleting the page and recreating it. Although that doesn't explain the current issue.
Maybe try creating other pages to see if you still run into the same problem.


Hello wagdi,

Yup, I'd upgraded to 5.5.1 as you describe. I was thrown off a bit by the new terminology, but, your advice to delete and recreate a page, then try creating new pages lead me to discovering that the problem was my settings in 'Auto Nav'. Page associations weren't quite right things going better now. Many thanks for the help!!

Best regards,