Subscribe to blog

I am trying to figure out a way to have a subscribe feature to blog posts so the subscriber receives an email when a new post is added.
A simple email address field and button should do.

I know that the Pro Blog add-on uses Disquis but what I really want is for the Subscriber not to have to sign up to a 3rd party service and for it to be managed on-site.

All I want the Subscriber to do is to enter their email address and then to have a verification mail sent to them to confirm it is not spam.

I think WordPress can do this (it is built for blogging after all) but I would prefer to build this in C5.

Any ideas or suggestions greatly appreciated.

dbradley replied on at Permalink Reply
Agree. I'm actively trying to figure this one out as well.
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
We are considering this as a feature for ProBlog. Stay tuned.

RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm just curious though...why/how would that be any better or more useful than the user simply clicking the RSS feed and adding that to their read/notify list of their preferred reader?

dbradley replied on at Permalink Reply
I actually hadn't thought of using RSS, I can try that. I'm not familiar with RSS feeds, but I'll investigate.
Sadu replied on at Permalink Reply
Simple - Most regular people have no clue what RSS is or does and don't have a reader installed. "Subscribe to RSS" is a foreign concept. "Subscribe by email" is something everyone can understand.
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
The exact point Sadu.
Also the email acts as a prompt to look at the blog.
I am not sure if I know anybody who actually uses RSS feeds.

If it is coming to Pro Blog soon as a feature I may wait for Chad and his team, any idea how long Chad or is it on the wish list at the moment?
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I can say as we look at this that it will have to be limited to registered users of your site.

Initial implementation will be an attribute per parent blog page that users can "subscribe to" and have their uID/email added to. The button on the blog then changes to "unsubscribe" for that user if they are subscribed already. There also is a requirement for an unsubscribe link in the email notice itself.

To start out, there will not be any page for managing blog subscribers as you can simply go to the pages properties in the sitemap or front end and view the "subscribed" attribute that then lists all users with paging that you can easily make manual adjustments to.

Same goes for managing the mail message. That is going to be an overwritable /mail file in the package that can easily be overwitten, and will not have any formal admin page for adjustments.

Lastly, if this is not suffice, we are adding a sitewide event that can be hooked into "on_blog_post" that you could theoretically create 3rd party applications to hook into that could perform more advanced subscription management with.

madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
You Rock Chad!

Crunch question....How long?
dbradley replied on at Permalink Reply
This is why almost all of my addons are ChadStrat. He is constantly updating and making it better and better.

You rock!
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
Please update to v10 of ProBlog. A rough implementation of email subscribe is now present.

dbradley replied on at Permalink Reply
Definitely works. Wouldn't mind a bit more functionality, like a link to the blog entry as well as the ability to customize the message such as email address and unsubscribe text.

But still way awesome! Thanks Chad!
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
you can simply copy the /packages/problog/mail/new_blog_post.php to your root /mail folder and modify as desired.

dbradley replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there any documentation on the code/commands I can add into this php? I can't seem to find any.
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
also, please re-download v10. I added the post link in. that was a mistake. I meant to do that but forgot to go back and add it.

dbradley replied on at Permalink Reply
I can't figure out how to download it again...
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
you may have to go to your projects area on this site and release PB, then go to your transactions -> licenses area and manually download so you can FTP. Then re-associate it.

dbradley replied on at Permalink Reply
Good to go, thanks!