Suggested feature for the marketplace


I've been browsing the marketplace and I see a lot of items I'd like to purchase, but not right at this moment. I normally just save a link in my favorites for items of interest to me, but I was thinking it would be really great to have something like a wishlist for marketplace items.

Often time I see something I think would be useful or timesaving for a potential client's site, or items I'd want to use repeatedly on many sites, it would be great to have a wishlist sort of feature so I can easily keep track of marketplace items of interest.

Anyway I just wanted to throw that out there to see if anyone else thinks it might be a good idea.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
easily the most requested feature

best wishes

Franz Maruna
CEO - PortlandLabs Inc
scottM1164 replied on at Permalink Reply
I did not know that. Is this something planned for sometime down the road?