
Im having some trouble with a adware/plugin or something called text-enhance.
from what ive read searching on google it comes from different browser-plugins. BUT!
It only shows on that single webpage, and ive tested with 5 different computers, and they all show the same result, even after removing all browser-plugins, deleting cookies and so on.

The webpage is called Markkoch.dk , and the problem seems only to be on the frontpage of the site. ive attaced a screenshot of the problem also.

My question is.... can it be somewhere in the concrete5 installation, or plugins that makes text-enhance on this site?

1 Attachment

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
There are a bunch of links to a js files in the source, not sure what it is though.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
On closer inspection it looks like this unknown js is causing the issue, removing it should fix it.
kochster replied on at Permalink Reply
not sure what you are talking about :)
msj29aa replied on at Permalink Reply
Same problem here, this need to be fixed!
kochster replied on at Permalink Reply
ok.... i found this link and simular in my database.

<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://cdncache3-a.akamaihd.net/loaders/1032/l.js?aoi=1311798366&pid=1032&zoneid=62862\"></script>

basicly did a search and replace on akamaihd and deleted all of the links and placed i found it....

Problem solved.... no idea how it got there though :)