the simple news block

hi guys

i need some help

i am wanting put this block into multiple pages on my there a way that this can be done without having to manually do it on each page??

also i would like to be able to update all of the news blocks with one update from the dashboard....i.e. i put some new info into the news block and it shows up on the pages that i have put news blocks in.

can this be done??


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want the same news on each page, add it to global area.

If you want to do that, but within a regular area, add it to a stack and then add the stack to the regular area on each page.

If you want to do that the easy way, add the stack to the defaults for the page type.

If you want the news block, but different news on each page, add the block to page defaults.

>>> Involving some php >>>>

If you want different news on each page, but all the central management advantages of stacks or global areas, then you can do a little hack to the with some php so that the parameters to the block that vary page-by page are taken from a page attribute.

You can also code blocks into themes or page types and set their parameters within the code, so could also do the attributes hack that way without having to touch the actual block code.

(I am sure there are more variations of ways to achieve this)