The upgrade decision again

I'm an end user, not a developer, and am a big fan of C5 since we first redid our large content-serving website in 2012. I don't think any other CMS would work for me - I am constantly on the site adding content. We rebuilt it again in 2016 and it is currently on C5 version According to my C5 guy, we could gain some speed and security enhancements by upgrading to version 8, including getting on php7, but due to some custom coding, custom theme, and other things I don't understand, the migration path doesn't work for us. Long story short, I am considering just having the site remade in current version. So the age old dilemma of now or wait confronts us. Version 8.x or wait for 9? The site is I know that without you folks knowing what custom coding work was done and where the site breaks on the migration is not helpful, but this question is more of a general nature. We don't HAVE to to this now, I just like keeping things up to date and improvement of speed and getting on php7 seems necessary at some point. I suppose it is possible that if we do v8.x now, we might have the same upgrade problem going to 9 in the future (due to custom coding) unless the migration issue stopping us now is addressed. A lot of unknowns, sorry. Thanks for any input on this.

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't know any reason why you couldn't upgrade any 5.7.x version to version 8... Sure, there may be changes in the core. But they aren't that critical for version 8. Should be pretty smooth. Custom coding can be a bitch, but I don't think it should be THAT complicated that you'd have to do a total rebuild... Ask your guy for examples of the how and why (it's not possible). Then let the people here decide whether it's true or not :)
PMorrison replied on at Permalink Reply
I've been wanting to do an upgrade for ages. Also my php is old.
I am also not a developer, my skill are limited to front end and so hesitant to perform an upgrade myself - especially as i have ready many posts where users have lost their functionaing website because of it and so i also dont trust the documenation provided.

Does upgrading the CMS automatically update the version of php?
stewblack23 replied on at Permalink Reply
Upgrading to v8 from 5.7 is not that hard of a process. I have done a few 5.7 upgrades to v8 with sites that have a ton of custom coding. That being said I have done updates as well and the site did break.

If you developer is any good all he/she should do is make a copy of your site and the database, then spin up a development site. Then test the upgrade on that. Your site is not that all that big. You can make a dev site in an hour or so depending on your hosting.

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